Join us for our August Pop-Up!

Did you know you could paint? Write a haiku?

Find the artist within you or explore new creative paths with us Sunday, August 27th 11:30am-1pm under the tent on Central Park's Great Hill (103rd St. entrance)

Our salons are free to attend but not free to put on--please consider giving a donation

Meet the Artists!

Kori Burkholder is a Certified Professional Life & Career Coach, artist and facilitator of Self-Discovery Creative workshops. As a Career Transition Coach, she works with mid-career professionals who want to transition into a new direction that’s more meaningful and rewarding. Kori has an extensive background in the creative/marketing/entertainment field and has transitioned careers many times over the last 20 years. Kori believes that work should be fun, fulfilling and rewarding. As an Inspirality workshop leader, she’s been bringing groups of people together since 2012 and has been helping each person take away some nugget of self-awareness, knowledge, or just plain joy.

Caley Vickerman--The Guerilla Haiku Movement is a Creative Place-making/Public Art Experience that has traveled to over 60 cities nationwide since April 2011, joining communities in spontaneous interaction and dialogue through the succinct and powerful use of haiku.  Together over 13,000 participants have shared their stories across the country.  Actor, Educator, and Community Builder, Caley Vickerman, is the founder of Guerilla Haiku.  Her passion for experiential education, commitment to community arts programming, creativity and enthusiastic facilitation are key to the success of Guerilla Haiku’s programs.